Elder Care

There are over 30 million people who are providing care for an adult over the age of 50. This amount is expected to double in the next 25 years. Often someone may have the responsibility of caring for an elder while taking care of children at the same time. Needless to say, no matter what the circumstances, this can be a daunting, challenging and emotionally draining experience. Deciding what care is needed, where to get that care and getting the person who needs the care to accept it, can be a difficult road to travel.

Services that can be provided:

  • Locating resources and facilitating referrals
  • Developing a plan to get elder to accept help
  • Developing a plan for the caregiver to practice self-care

For the past 20 years I have run Elder Care support groups at The Fashion Institute of Technology and assisted countless employees in locating resources for their loved ones in addition to coping with the stresses that this entails.
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